SpongeBob SquarePants (sering dirujuksebagai SpongeBob) merupakan animasi siri televisyen Amerika, yang dicipta oleh Stephen Hillenburg, seorang ahli biologi marin dan seorang animator. Kebanyakan daripada siri Spongebob ini adalah pengembaraan spongebob dan rakan-rakannya di bandar bawah air "City of Bikini Bottom".
sebenarnya spongebob berasal daripada apa ?
Kanak-kanak mengatakan bahawa spongebob adalah span yang biasanya kita gunakan dalam singki didapur. Span itu mempunyai ketumpatan antara 28-32 kg / m³. Ketumpatan laut adalah kira-kira 1,207 kg / m³. Menurut fizik, apa-apa bahan atau perkara yang kurang tumpat daripada badan cecair yang tenggelam di dalam tidak akan tenggelam didalam air. Sebagai contoh, minyak adalah kurang tumpat daripada air itulah sebabnya ia terapung di atas air.
Spongebob bukan sejenis span yang kita gunakan didapur untuk mencuci pinggan. Seperti yang telah diberitahu anda sebelum ini, Stephen Hillenburg adalah seorang ahli biologi marin dan watak spongebob yang berasal dari makhluk di bawah air yang sebenar seperti Patrick (tapak sulaiman) dan Squidward (sotong). Spongebob adalah span laut, salah satu makhluk di bawah air.
apakah sebenarnya itu Span laut ?
Yellow sponge
Sponge is animal, a simple multi-cellular, bottom-dwelling animal called “Porifera”. The word means “pore-bearing” and refers to the many tiny openings or holes visible on all sponges. There are 3 additional sub-species of Porifera: the Calcispongiae, the Hyalospongiae, and the Demospongiae. Sponges are found in every ocean of the world, particularly the Antarctic, and can thrive in not only shallow waters but the deepest regions of the seas, including sea caves where there’s little or no light. There are even some varieties that live in fresh water locations. Scientists have identified approximately 5000 species of sponges thus far. They are colorful and has various form also.
Purple sea sponge
Stable surfaces along the ocean floor. There are a few varieties that are free-standing, however, like the Barrel sponge. All sponges are commonly referred to as “filter feeders”, that is, they capture and digest bacteria, plankton, and other organic particulates floating in the water. The outer holes or pores of a sponge are called “ostia”. These lead to larger internal pores called “oscula”. Inside these larger canals are still more chambers, all lined with “collar cells”, the tops of which are funnel shaped. Minute appendages called “flagellum” hang from these specialized funnels and as these flagellum beat back and forth, they force water inside the sponge. Nutrients and oxygen are absorbed and wastes and carbon monoxide are eventually filtered out. Still other cells called “amebocytes” transport these filtered nutrients further inside the sponge.
wah.. baru tau fakta ni